Friday, September 11, 2009

Good evening!

Hello people of the Internet! I had no news until I looked at that little news thing on MSN messenger.... Some guy swallowed a lit cigarette.... Tasty?

It has just hit me that being 18 actually means that you're technically an 'adult' and therefore are expected to act like one... From one day to the next.. (I know, my birthday was almost 3 months ago.. Still.) I keep forgetting this and often find myself in situations where I'm not exactly sure how to act anymore.. Or rather, how I am supposed to act... Man, this should come with a user manual or something! I'm kidding. Whatever, maybe I'll get used to this 'adult' business, maybe I wont... I actually hope I wont. I don't need to become more cynical than I already am, and I certainly don't need (nor do I want) to become the boring, lifeless 'individual' (by which I mean sheep) I have seen almost everyone else become.

Here's another question.. Should I get back into AIM? I haven't used it in years and don't remember my password, or user name for that matter...nor am I any longer acquainted with the people I used to speak to on there. It's almost a crying shame, but when I really think about it, I guess that it isn't.

I think I will leave it at that for now. That shift I had this morning really drained me, or perhaps it was that 15 minute walk in the sun on the way home from the bus stop. Warm weather really tires me out.

Peace. Unity.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Not really. I do have an exam tomorrow.. and two assignments due in the day after that. Perhaps I should be doing some homework...Or perhaps I already am. My hands feel really uncoordinated today, does anyone else ever get that? Fingers are just going in all the wrong places. I tried playing some basic guitar scales earlier today, and it just did not happen. It's not to say that I haven't practiced in a while, because I've been practicing every day (or second day..depending on how late I get home from classes/work on certain days)... Strange day I'm having. I did paint a relatively good picture today, so I guess that's still working. I tried taking a picture without using the flash, but it came out worse than it did with the flash, so until I have some daylight to work with (and can take a slightly better photograph), I shall share this with you.