Saturday, October 2, 2010

We're Angels of Mercy

Good afternoon! I feel inspired today. Or at least, I think I am feeling inspired. I've been doing a lot of reading online today- mostly in the forum on Some fascinating debates going on in there, as well as terribly confusing ones. I can't quite fathom how a self-proclaimed anti-statist can call communist ideology 'the enemy'. I've thought about it and all I can think that perhaps it is the way in which state-less society is attained that this person disagrees with, because pure communism and anti-statism, as far as I can tell, both follow the idea of a stateless society.

I also read an article that said pure communism is anarchism... Maybe... but communism is moreso collectivism... Whereas anarchism would perhaps be more inclined with libertarianism. Read another essay which compared similarities between fascism and socialism. I thought it was a good read, check it out. However, bare in mind that this person is referencing the breeds of socialism that have actually been practiced, which, arguably, weren't really socialism... but that argument could perhaps go on for days. All I know is, that to me, the kind of socialism this person is referencing is not the kind of socialism that I would actually call socialism. Perhaps it's a matter of opinion. Anyway, it's a fascinating read nonetheless.

Currently I'm listening to a mix-tape (CD) of Leftover Crack, Star Fucking Hipsters and Choking Victim. I must be craving the lyrical goodness and musical bad-assness of Stza. It's odd though. Whenever I am reading an article/post/'status update' (etc) about someone who has died, this song happens to begin.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

What the hell happened?

I was prepared to go to bed until I saw a tweet about THIS.

Uhh, what is this? Maybe it's late and I'm just tired, but I'm pretty sure this sounds nothing at all like Jimmy Eat World. By which I mean, with every album they've released that has had its own distinct sound, there was always something in it that told you that it was Jimmy Eat World. I'm not sure what it is, but there was an essence to it that said "yep, that's J.E.W".. This just sounds like generic, mediocre pop (and far removed from anything reminiscent of that J.E.W vibe). What the hell happened?!?! AND I pre-ordered the CD AND Vinyl for this.. I'm hoping the rest of the album does not sound like this, or I will be one sad puppy.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Incase you hadn't noticed

Yes, I am a cynic, thank you. If it's taken you this long to realise..... Well then.
So, it is Wednesday noon. I'm supposed to be in a lecture right this moment, but when I go up at 9.30 this morning, I could not be bothered at all to go. So here I am. Doesn't really matter, they post them online anyhow. I'll probably still go to the tutorial though. Might as well get some attendance points there. I'm pretty much stressing out all over the place at the moment. I have 4 pieces of assessment next week and it's freaking me out. Majorly. I'll leave it at that before I burn my lentil burger that I kinda left unsupervised on the stove. Ciao.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Propaganda and such

This post has been deleted.. (I can't actually figure out how to delete posts....)

17 October 2011.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

So, it's been a while?

Well, not really. approximately a month since I last blogged. I got slack, actually. I didn't blog at all about the rest of my holiday. Oh well, who cares, right? I'm only blogging tonight because it seemed like a shame to let July pass without one single entry. So here it is.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good Morning, America!

Thought I would somewhat step away from the holiday blogging for a moment. Turns out I haven't blogged since I got to New Jersey (or at least, not about New Jersey). Perhaps there isn't much to blog about? Maybe it's too insanely hot for me to be bothered? And wait, didn't I just say I was going to step away from holiday blogging?

So. It was my Birthday on Sunday. Don't worry, you're not the only one who forgot! What did I get up to, I hear you asking.......Uhhhhmm... Nothing, really. It was too hot to do anything but lay under the fan and groan irritably. It was fun though. I carried out my yearly tradition of listening to, and manically posting the following song on every social networking site I use.

I don't know why, man, but this song reminds me of you Roadee. :)
I'm looking forward to going back to California.. Hold on, there's a song for that too....

Yeah, that's right.. Put any song to a video made of clips from Kingdom Hearts results in an instant winner!

What was .. oh yeah, California. I love that place. Or at least, I love San Francisco and the Bay Area, seeing as that's the only part I have seen (and the only part I care to see- well.. for the most part. I'm not particularly interested in visiting Southern Cali, it would be sorta cool to drive through Northern Cali.. One day, perhaps? Roadee, you in?). I want to visit Berkeley, as I am sure I've mentioned in a previous post. I think I'm going to New York City on Thursday for a few days. That'll be fun, I hope. - The I hope parts comes out of extraneous circumstances, not at all to do with the fact that it is New York. I'm sure NYC itself will be great. The #1 Vegan city in the world (San Francisco is #2 by the way, yeah!). I'm gonna go nuts.

In other news, there was a "Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction" marathon on the other day. I used to love watching that! They stopped showing it back in you-know-where, so I was like "wooooh, yeah!" and watched the whole of it. When it finished, it left me craving for more. Is it at all possible to purchase this series on DVD? I gotsta have it.

PS. 'Back to California' is by Sugarcult. Thought I'd throw that in.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

San Francisco Day #5

Really, this post should be called Oakland Day #1, seeing as that is where I went today and what this blog is going to be mostly about, but in the spirit of being consistent and the fact that groupings of 5 are supposed to be lucky (or something like that.. according to Japanese Zen or something but don't quote me on that because I don't fully recall).

I caught the BART from Powell station in downtown San Francisco to 12th Street in Oakland. It's basically a subway, and to get to East Bay, it goes under the bay. To be specific, it was the Pittsburgh/Baypoint line (I only mention this because I remember it hahaha). When I arrived in Oakland, I don't know, it wasn't quite what I expected (I by far don't mean that in a bad way). Though, I don't know what I expected, or of I expected anything at all. I had a few reasons as to why I wanted to go to Oakland. Perhaps the more obvious being that the punk scene used to be great here back in the mid 80s-late 90s. Rancid, Green Day, The Matches, Operation Ivy to name a few, and I would almost say AFI, however I think they were from a little further north (I wanna say Eureka), but based in Berkeley... Don't quote me on that last part though. So yeah, I guess that was one reason for visiting the East Bay, but really, I was after some soul food... Souley Vegan, at Jack London Square in Oakland.. that's right, VEGAN soul food. I'm not joking, this place is amazing. The prices are more than reasonable, the food is exceptional and the staff are lovely. If you go here, I recommend the Southern Fried Tofu. It's like KFC, but waaaaaaay better. I had the Crispy Burger (which uses the above mentioned dish as the 'crispy' part). I also had it with a side of Mac'n'Cheese, and Cheesecake for dessert.

San Francisco Day #4

Day Four! Already? Really? No way.. I wish I had more time!
I walked to the Golden Gate Bridge today. In case you were wondering, YES it is a very long walk from downtown, and when you consider how many hills there are in San Francisco, how big these hills are and how steep they are... you're probably wondering whether I've gone mad.. And yes, I probably have. I could have caught the bus, but I wanted to actually take in the city, see places that well, as a cliche tourist, one wouldn't see. The San Francisco that makes San Francisco, San Francisco, so to speak. Conversely, I could have rented a bike and done the same thing (they have electric bikes-helps you get up those biiig hills!) but considering I haven't ridden a bike since I was 15, I didn't want to embarrass myself by failing miserably hahaha! I found myself in Nob Hill. This is where the extremely luxurious hotels seem to be, as well as what seem to be some of the best houses/apartments. You can definitely tell that the people in this area are very different...Or maybe I was just delirious at this point from getting up all those hills! There were a few buildings here which I found difficult to distinguish between whether they were apartment buildings, boutique hotels or mansions.. (actually I think it was just one building).. It had a grand staircase leading to the front door and everything, but no signage to distinguish it as anything else but someones mansion. I was kinda in awe. That's not what that photo is though, that's just a house that I very much liked the look of. If I were rich, I would buy it, or something like it. But I'm not, so I took several photos of it. Might inspire a painting later on. On accident, I managed to once again stumble upon an AAU building- only this time one of the dormitories.. Ironically, this was the exact dorm I would have stayed in, and the fact that I found it by accident is either a sign, life slapping me in the face, or a sick coincidence. So be it. A little further up the street was a nice little park. Got a nice view of the city from up there, but you know what, I'm not going to post any of those photos on here for the same reason I restricted myself from posting more photos in the previous blog. I will probably write another blog a little while from not with a collection of what I think are some of the best photos I took while in San Francisco once enough time has passed for me to properly assess the photos I've taken and differentiate between the photos that actually look good and properly show the place, and the photos that kinda don't show anything but in my head I know what I wanted to get in it.

I ended up getting slightly lost in the Presidio (again another area for the super wealthy, at least that is t my understanding). Well, it's not that i got lost, it's that there were so many road closures (including sidewalks) around there, I had to take a huge detour and backtrack to find a road that took me around to where I needed to go to get to the bridge. There's a national park around there, with some of the biggest and most beautiful trees I have EVER seen.

So, anyway, after almost giving up, I managed to find the Promenade and
found my way to the bridge after all. It was incredibly gusty, crazily so...and the closer you get to the bridge, the stronger (and colder!) the wind is. I, for a while, thought I wasn't going to be able to make it up that hill to get to the bridge, considering I had already been walking for about four or five hours, constantly climbing up and down hills trying to get there. Somehow, I don't know how exactly, but somehow I made it. It was definitely worth it. I cannot fathom how one would begin to build something so colossal, I was essentially awestruck. I walked across the bridge (It took approximately half an hour), to what I believe was Sausalito. There is supposed to be a ferry around there that you can catch back to San Francisco, but I couldn't figure out how to get to the dock (there's a bike trail but it looked as if it was closed to pedestrians...) So turns out I had to walk all the way back- however this time I endeavored to take the shorter route, as the scenic route had taken forever and I was crazy tired.. but for some reason I decided to go back somewhat via the Presidio again, what was a detour again but the scenery was lovely. Oh yeah, I should probably include a photo of me on the bridge, right? This is so unbelievably high up, it's scary. The wind is so gusty, and even though you know it is impossible to fall off this bridge unless it is by force, you still feel overly cautious of not wanting to get too close to the railings (or perhaps it's just me...) If you look to the other side of the bridge (the side looking toward the ocean, away from the bay) it was so foggy, it felt as if I was floating... It was out of this world. It was amazing. Incredible. At this point, I was out-if-this-world hungry. I had earlier decided I was going to eat dinner at either Alive (a raw vegan restaurant) or Loving Hut, but I couldn't be bothered trying to find exactly where they were (I mean I had the addresses and I knew where the streets were and how to get to them) but I was so hungry, I decided to walk to Herbivore again, because I had already been there and knew I would be able to find it again with no problems. But there was a problem. Walking up Divisadero from the Marine District... Is insane, that hill.. I don't know if it was huge because I was so tired or if it really was as huge as it seemed. I had to take breaks, because my legs were far too tired at this point. Seriously, this is one street where it certainly wouldn't hurt to install a cable car!!! Anyway, I made it to Herbivore, and I think I shall end this post with photos of what I are and a comment on how incredibly friendly the wait staff are.
Green Salad. I love their salad.

Ravioli.. It's been years since I have had ravioli... I recommend this dish, seriously.

Carrot juice. Oh, I love it.

Pie for dessert with a scoop of ice cream. No idea what pie this was.. I ordered Blueberry, turns out they were sold out, so I asked the waitress what she recommended and she said this one was her favourite.... I think she said lalaberry, but that can't be how you spell it! It was tasty though.. I also don't remember what ice cream it was, because again I went with her recommendation because I just couldn't choose, and well, it was good. NO, it was great.

San Francisco Day #3

So, I was having issues with getting WiFi since I posted my last blog and consequently need to catch up on 3 days worth of blogging.. I could put it all in one blog, but it might be easier on the eyes to split them into three (Seriously, would you want to read one humongous blog, or three kinda big but maybe, hopefully, still bearable to read through...?)
Here goes...

Day #3

Today started out quite nicely. I think I had a kinda slow-ish start getting out today, but I went for a walk and found myself at Union Square, where I got a taste of San Franciscan style Animal Rights. Had a short chat with a local vegan. I am constantly being surprised with how nice people here are. I suppose I'm not used to genuinely friendly people. It's odd, I love it. I love the way the locals talk too.

Everyday I've been here, I've walked past one of these campuses at least once. There are so many, scattered throughout the city. This was, originally, the art school I wanted to go to, when I first found out about it 3 or so years ago. It was the place that made me think "you know what, I actually WANT to attend University", as opposed to feeling like I had to do it, and it wasn't long after I realised that Fine Arts is what I wanted to study (thank you to my 11th grade Art Teacher, Miss Kyriakides). As it happens, I am not attending this school. It's probably impossible, but a girl can dream, right? Kinda breaks my heart every time I see that logo though... and they have banners at nearly every street corner (or it seems that way).

Anyway...I ended walking up what might have been Stockton Street and eventually ran into another tourist, from Germany. Turns out she was heading for Fisherman's Wharf, as was I, so we walked there together for a while. Walked past what looked to be some kinda street fair or party of sort. I meant to go past it on the way back to see what it was, but I ended up walking back a different way, along the bay. Anyway. We got to Fisherman's Wharf, it was expectantly windy. I'm not sure if you can tell in the photo though. Saw the Sea Lions at Pier39, of which I wont include a photograph, because if I did that then I'd feel obligued to include several other photos which would just clog up this post and probably cause the page to load really slowly. The Sea Lions were sweet! Some of the were huge, and others were really small (pups!!!). I walked down Embarcadero and saw crowds and crowds of Sailors. I ended up walking a total of four hours today. It felt good, but was sort of a shock to the system, seeing as I've done very little walking since I got my Driver's License in November.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

San Francisco Day #2

I slept for what could have been 13 hours, but now I think I have overcome my Jetlag. Only took one day. I'm also kinda not used to it still being bright outside after 8pm (it is currently 8.10- I realise the time stamp probably has Brisbane time), considering that in Brisbane it is dark by 6pm, no matter what time of the year.

I went for a walk to Market Street (again). Today, I saw no sign of Bucketman. I did, however, go into the Westfield. I have to say, this Westfield was much nicer than any of the ones I've been to in Australia-they're all far too sterile for my liking. This one had some kind of personality to it. I walked around for a while. I walked past one of those make-up stalls and for some reason decided to not just walk past to the guy working there who say 'hello' to me. Turns out, it's pretty good stuff, so I did actually buy some for a change, and it wasn't expensive either. From memory, I think his name was Giovanni. Nice guy, spoke to him for a while, then continued aimlessly walking around Westfield until I realised 'I'm not actually going to buy anything today...' and left. I then embarked on a long walk to Herbivore (a vegan restaurant) on Divisadero- I've heard the one there is better than the other two in the Bay Area. Here are some pictures I took while on my way there.

Needless to say, this was the best vegan restaurant I have ever been to (I'm also including vegetarian restaurants in this, actually..) and I've been to enough to know the difference between 'okay', 'good' and 'amazing'. This was amazing. Also the first Veg restaurant that I have been to that wasn't based on Asian cuisine. But that's not why it is my favourite. I took some time to take photos of my lovely meal, of which I ate FAR too much. Too bad I have unsteady hands today...

Mushroom sautee

Side Salad

Lasagne.. I couldn't even finish this, I was so full...and somehow I still managed to eat dessert!

AND for dessert... German Chocolate cake. Sascha, if you are reading this, you would love this cake...and the die for!

Afterwards I walked back to the hotel (takes about an hour) and on the way went into Walgreens for no reason at all.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

San Francisco Day #1

Ahh, the city by the bay. How long have I longed to visit you? I arrived this morning, after several mess-ups with flights, etc (Thanks, Delta...)It was a major pain, but nonetheless, I got there in the end and that's what counts! Although, I didn't appreciate being charged an extra $90 for 'overweight' at LAX when checking into my domestic flight.. Seriously? I just got off of an international flight... you'd think they'd take that into consideration. And you know what, I'm not even going to go into that. Who cares. I'm here. It's awesome. I'm awesome.. I could end this post right there, agreed?

Hahaha.. I haven't done much sight-seeing yet. I did enjoy the taxi-ride to the hotel though. I went for a walk that lasted perhaps an hour and a half, then came back. While on my walk, on the corner of Market and 4th street, I saw what was possibly the coolest thing ever seen. Which made me think, someone else must have found it cool too...

I'm thinking that tomorrow, I'll do some of those cliche tourist things... Who knows, I'll see how it folds out. All I know is that before I leave, I need to have visited at least two of the vegan restaurants I've been looking at online since forever. I'll leave it at that for now.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

An update....

I noticed the other day that I hadn't blogged in over a month, so I figured now, while I'm waiting for my pasta to cook and have come to a complete blank with my Sculpture assignment, is a good a time as any.

It is nearing the end of semester, so it is stress central right now. I've been panicking about my projects, as I don't feel any of them are up to standard. Having said that, yesterday seemed to go okay- I finally got to a point in one of my paintings that made me like the darn thing. Now to reach this level with all my other classes! Three weeks to go- it has to happen, right? We'll see. Anyhow, I'll end this post with a couple of (in progress) artworks.

Partially completed self-portrait.

Untitled Nude.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Stupid April Fool's post

That I'm wiping off the internet. Ciao. 17.Oct.2011

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Absent Mindedness

This morning I woke up in the usual way; to the boisterous bleeping of the damned alarm clock I hate so much, followed by a half-hearted attempt at stumbling out of bed and somehow getting my shit together to leave the house and get to the bus stop in the nick of time. So, I get there, the sun is hot, and the stuff on my back is heavy. I think here it is suitable to mention that for some unearthly reason, I chose to have a very large sketchbook for my drawing class, hence the need to have to hold it in my hands (as opposed to having gotten one that would fit nicely in a bag of sorts). So, as I was saying, it was hot and stuff was heavy, so I put it on the bench to try and find my bus pass. I found it. The bus came. I got on. The second the bus took off I had a moment of panic… you may know this moment. The moment of “WTF, why is my right arm free?”… As in, AAHH crap I left my sketchbook on the bench…

But what could I do? I could have gotten off at the next stop and caught a bus back to pick it up (it is far too large a walking distance between stops with this bus), but that would have taken at least 10 minutes in waiting for an appropriate bus, then another 10 for another bus to take me to school… In all, 20 minutes of wasted time, plus the 17 minutes it takes to get to school (yes, I have worked this out!)- I think you get the picture. Under normal circumstances, I would have probably gone back for it anyway, but I didn’t want to be late today because we were going on a fieldtrip someplace and I would not have known where it was we were going if I were late and missed all of us walking over there. So I went. I sent a text message to Sascha, who said she’d have a look for it at the bus stop when she was going to the city- this wouldn’t be for another hour and a half-still, better than nothing.

So, an hour and a half passed, and I get this message “sorry, it’s not there”… I wanted to scream all kinds of obscenities, but that may have disrupted my class… Seriously though, who steals a sketch book? So, uhh, I texted back with something stupid like “did you check under the bench? Maybe it fell..”.. Yeah, nice one, I’m pretty sure she would have thought of that too ya know. To my surprise, I get this reply; “shit! It’s on the bench at Mt Gravatt!”… This being the bus stop after the one where I had left the book… This prompted me to think “What kind of idiot steals a sketch book and LEAVES it at the next stop?” Lucky for me, I now had a 25 minute break… So I power-walked to the bus station, bussed my way to Mt G, and holy crap my sketch book was still there. So I picked it up, got on the next bus back to the city and realised that the stress of that whole ordeal had made me terribly, terribly hungry.

So, according to Roadee, the moral of this story is as follows,
"don't leave your shit behind, because no matter what it is, some dick will take it and play sillybuggers with it"

The End.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hah, so... Summer holidays = too much free time = too much time to think = blog posts like the one from earlier this morning. (how's that for a mathematical equation?).

Truth is.. Once I am back at school, I'll probably be worrying about other crap- I hope... So, on a happier, at work yesterday, there was some drawing paper lying around and guess what? I got to keep it.. No idea who ordered it, I don't think anyone is ever going to photocopy or print an invoice onto that stuff. So hurray for me.


So, it is 2.20am and I made the attempt of going to bed just before 2 and all of a sudden felt I needed to write something. At least I don't have to get up for anything specific tomorrow, though it worries me that this time next week I will need to be waking up in 3 and a half (or so) hours in order to get ready for school. I'm not sure if I am looking forward to going back. It irritates me that I can't fix my sleeping patterns, despite having tried. So, here's a variation of something I wrote 2 (ish) months ago on the MySpace blog and deleted 2 days later.

I'm starting to think that I, in many ways, preferred the person I was 2-3 years ago to the person I am now. Back then I knew exactly what I wanted, how to get it and had 100% confidence that I would get it. I had more confidence in myself and my abilities and couldn't care less for other peoples' perceptions of me (though, that part is still true, for the most part anyhow). I'd draw or paint something and show it to you and be like "ya' dig?".. Now I'd hesitate for a while and after over-thinking it, I would then think about it again and still probably not show you. Needless to say, I was probably the better artist then to what I am now. In many ways I wish I were the same person, but I am not. I still hold to the same things I wanted then, but question them now- perhaps the people around me are finally starting to get to me? I'm not even sure exactly what I want anymore and constantly wonder whether I'm wasting my time...And whilst I would like to believe that I do, fact is I don't have very much confidence in most aspects of myself anymore. Then again maybe it was easier to live in my head as opposed to the real world. Still, I kinda preferred that, and I miss that motivation and drive to succeed that I seem to have lost toward the end of my final year of High School... If anyone finds it, please mail it to me.

I'm starting to wonder whether I am physically and mentally capable of surviving another two years of school, and all the bullshit that comes with.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I've been thinking a lot lately about my subject choices at College.. (By the way, did I mention I got into the Queensland College of Art AND that my credit transfers went through and all? I'm now officially a 2nd year Fine Arts student!). Anyway, looking back at last year, I should have definitely dropped Sculpture when I had the chance and taken Printmaking instead...because now I am stuck doing Sculpture (ok, not entirely true, the reasons for this will be explained shortly). I knew it then and I suppose I just assumed "It's a phase, in a couple weeks you'll totally hate Printmaking". Well, that didn't work out so well (which is funny, because that is generally how most things go for that was odd).

Ok, so here's the deal.. I could do Printmaking, but because I did not do the introductory course last semester, I would have to do it this semester thus not entirely making me a 2nd year student and therefore causing my degree to go on a semester longer than it initially would have. No big deal, right? Wrong. For some reason, that is a very big deal for me...which warrants me putting myself through the torture of taking a Sculpture course as an elective that will take me through the rhythms of concept art for which I seem to have lost interest in circa 2008, (this is probably the phase, though..previous to that, all art was concept art, as far as I was concerned).. So I don't know what's up with that. This Interdisciplinary Sculpture class could possibly allow me to explore the realms of claymation (I love that stuff, but I am yet to muster up the patience to endure such a lengthy project), so that would be cool...Who knows, it might re-unite me with my lost love for Installation Art.

So, Printmaking, could this be my calling? (haha..cheeseball lines are a must). I don't know, only in the past few days have I thought that 'shit.....maybe I shouldn't major in Painting after all'...and should perhaps do Printmaking anyway, regardless of the fact that it will drag out my University studies to a point where I do not want them dragged out.... Or perhaps still major in Painting and take Printmaking as an elective (which has been my stress for the past...few months actually)... But I just realised, I don't think my University offers a Printmaking elective course...which would then prompt me to think I should perhaps do Printmaking as an elective major (and then drop my Drawing elective). Possible, but that would suck in third year if Printmaking clashed with Painting, thus causing me to have to finish up to a year later ANYWAY. So, that option I suppose was ruled out.. Because in all honesty, I would do the Honours program too, because I know I could easily get high enough grades to get into it, but the issue again being that I want to finish when I want to finish.. I don't see the point in dragging something out when it doesn't need to be.

In reality, I decided about 7 months ago that after I finish this degree, I was going to save up the money to send myself to that private art school that I've had my eye on since the 11th grade and study Illustration and then take Printmaking as an elective or minor or whatever. So I don't know why this is stressing me out so much, because I've already thought of all of this... Then I realised, I think the reason it bothers me is because Printmaking is something that interests me to the point where I want to be able to learn it and do it now....To which I said to myself "heck, why not teach yourself?". So, for the moment, until I am rolling in the $$$ in order to send myself to study the aforementioned in the place that I did actually not mention, I am going to teach myself the art (or is it craft?) of Printmaking.. I'm even considering getting an etching press, as crazy as that may sound. I already know how to do linocuts, and to my understanding woodcuts are very similar (please correct me if I am wrong!). So, this will be fun.. Now to get a second job so I can afford the equipment :P.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Ah yes, it is once again almost sun-up and I am yet to go to bed. Actually, I meant to go to bed over an hour ago, but got carried away looking up kids shows (the animated kind) I used to watch as a young child when still living in Switzerland. I wasn't looking just in general, I was looking for one in particular whose name I cannot remember and I am pretty sure was a cartoon. I'm not sure if it was a German cartoon, or a cartoon from somewhere else dubbed into German. All I can visually remember is a flash of the theme song here and there and of course a few of the lyrics (which I believe to be vague and possibly incorrect, due to the 13+ years since having seen and heard it) and I remember parts of the music. It's been irritating me that past few years, because no matter what I google in reference to it, I cannot find it. I don't know if I am googling the wrong thing (seeing as I'm not entirely sure if what I remember is actually what I saw), but I spent the last hour or so googling like crazy, youtubing like crazy in hopes of finding it and even resorted to googling television stations I used to watch back then (at least, the ones I could remember... Or shall I say one..which branched out into 3 channels.. RTL, RTL2 and SuperRTL haha yes..there might have been another one dedicated to kids like KinderRTL, but maybe I just imagined that..They all showed cartoons at some point or another and actually SuperRTL may well have been the children specific one..who knows). Anyway... It is frustrating me. What I remember from it (visuall) is like a little island (or beach?) and a palm tree on it. There was either a lion or a seal or sealion (or a combination of these) as well..and the words were something like "Am Meeresstrand, im Palmen Land" which of course is probably totally wrong, it's just how I remember it. I really want to find out what it is, because for some reason I believe it is (was?) an essential part of my childhood.. At the same time, I almost don't want to find out..Because then it will be like "what now?".. I know, over such a stupid thing. Still, I want to know.

Now I think it is time for bed, don't you? :P
Peace. Unity.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Only in Japan

I love stop motion! If they made commercials like this over here, I might actually watch television. This is insanely amusing. Also kind of really cute.

Tastes like happy...

This is going to be a short update. I just wanted to post photos of the most amazing thing I have ever tasted. I don't remember exactly what it was called, but it's available at Loving Hut (a vegan I went there with Sascha on Monday afternoon, we were both very hungry. The restaurant (or rather, cafe) was very nice. It wasn't busy, but I think that's because we didn't 'hit it' at peak time, which is always nice. Very clean and presentable (which is the way it should be, when food is concerned). We ordered our meals and shared a little, it was nice, but I only took photos of dessert because I forgot I actually had my camera with me until I saw what this looked like....

Isn't it brilliant?
I'm rather sure this is the first milk-shake type beverage I've had in at least three years. The novelty of non-dairy whipped cream never wears out (then again I think I've only ever tasted it once before...). I know I will be going back for more of this.

Here's a photo of Sascha and the Cheesecake she ordered. I know, the formatting of this post is a little odd. Oh well.
I highly recommend Loving Hut to anyone and everyone, whether you are or aren't vegan, it's amazing...and they're everywhere.

So, in other news, I start school again in...27 days, but I'll post another blog about this later. Enjoy.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010

So, totally ignoring the fact that it is the New Year, I have finally gotten around to uploading pictures from my camera to the laptop. These would include, but are not limited to: Green Day (my third time seeing them..always worth it), Vegan Cheesecake (made by the one and only me) and some other random shenanigans. Without further ado, I bring you my vegan lemon cheesecake (which I couldn't help adding an assortment of berries to).