Sunday, August 7, 2011

In regards to last Monday

Good morning- of which there are 13 short minutes left. It has recently come to my attention that I have not blogged since last October... and if my mathematical skills are any good at all, that would be ten months ago. I've toyed with the idea of starting a new blog... either here on Blogger, or over on Wordpress, but I thought that would be pointless and figured to continue using this one. What ever theme I'd put to this proposed new blog, knowing me, I would not stick to and still end up blogging about whatever, whenever.

So, what have I been up to? I am currently 2 weeks into the last semester of my Fine Art degree. The words excited and nervous would both be correct in describing how I feel about this. I've been working on a series of paintings based off of a thesis I wrote back in March.. the same thesis I'm in the process of re-writing at the moment. For this reason I will hold off posting it on here. Also, I left my USB stick in my studio, so I can't post any images of what I've been working on. I will, however post images of what I cooked last Monday (I bet you've been wondering what the hell the title was referring to, huh?), August first, aka Swiss National Day... I thought I'd show some patriotism in the form of making somewhat traditional Swiss meals. I say somewhat, because well.. Everything over there is generally about meat (particularly veal, it seems), butter and cheese......... three very taboo foods for me. So I made an effort to veganise Röschti, Züri Gschnätzlets and of course Fondue. Here's what happened.

Züri Gschätzlets